First Career: The Different Graduation Gift
On-line applications lead to moving the unemployed to the long term unemployed.
Today’s college graduate is overloaded with ‘book smarts’. However, most graduates lack the work experiences to be successful in a career.
There are a lot of new rules that need to be learned in order to both market yourself and make an immediate impact on your organization of choice.
Your campus career center is a valuable in-school resource and experience. First Career is designed to augment and enhance what you have learned from them. The difference between our service and their service is that they teach you to swim and we coach you how to swim competitively.
So, how can a coach help you expedite this process?
• Help you identify and build your network
• Determine what needs to be done and when and how to do it
• Develop a marketing plan that will help you stretch your comfort zone
• Help you with the ‘little things’ regarding interviewing
• Provide a safe haven to go to when your ‘hair is on fire’
• Provide on-boarding coaching when you find your new position
First Career is for the student who wants to know how to articulate their value and build the confidence to compete.
The job search process is, at best, like dribbling a basketball through a minefield. It would be nice to have someone who can mark the path.
This is a personalized service and includes 10 hours of coaching. I am available 24/7 because that is what I would expect.
Program components include:
Strengths Finder Assessment
Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Communication Assessment
A professional resume writer
A LinkedIn expert
One-on-one coaching
“Confidence gives you the courage to extend your reach.”
– Jack Welsh
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Should you have any questions, or would like to get started, please call me before, during or after regular business hours.
“Self Interest – So what? Who cares? What’s in it for me?”